Sunday, October 8, 2023

Week Eight of My Short Story Challenge

 The Tree        By: Everly

A tree, with great hopes, stood on a hill. He was forested by other trees, and he was the shortest of all.

He looked towards the heavens, and cried tears of acorns. He lifted his leafy hands, and waved them to the clouds, “Excuse me?” He called.

“Yes?” The clouds answered.

“I have a question, how did you ever get so tall?”

“Well, we are not exactly tall, but high. But…uh…. We are full of water, and we let it out sometimes, but the thing that makes us float is how light we are, I suppose. And did you know that the world is very beautiful? So many trees—”

“Don’t forget the lakes.” A cloud interrupted.

“I was getting there, you only let me list one thing!” The cloud replied.

The tree sighed, the clouds had a way of drifting off topic.

The clouds flew away. The tree did not remember what they had said, and why they grew so tall. But he did remember them saying something about water. Should he cry? Would he grow then?

The tree tried it, he poured a waterfall of pinecones and acorns.

Nothing happened. Then he saw a building far off in the distance. It was taller than everything surrounding it.

“Sir!” The tree cried out to it.

“Yes?” The building replied in a booming voice despite how far away it was.

“How did you ever grow so tall?” The tree asked.

The tree’s voice was like a mouse compared to the building’s loud words.

“I never did it on my own. I had people to help me. They built me tall and strong.” The building answered.

The tree looked for people, but found none. He sighed again. There was no hope.

But the tree wasn’t going to give up, he had worked to hard to stop now. So he waited and waited. Though he did not notice it, he was gradually getting taller and taller. Soon he was taller than even the clouds. He surpassed the building in his height. He was taller than he had ever dreamed.

He had worked hard, and never given up. And now he was rewarded with what he worked so hard to get. But he definitely had his share of difficulties, it wasn’t easy, but he had done it.

Keep growing, you can do it.

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