Wednesday, May 24, 2023

My Disneyland Experience


Hello! Guess what, I recently went to….. Disneyland! I had the best time ever! And since I had such a good time, I will tell you all about it so that you go and have as much fun as I did! But I am only gonna post a couple parts of it at a time, so stay with me! (My experience was so great I have to add exclamation marks everywhere!)

Things to know before we start:

1. My Dad gave us all $20 each for souvenirs (I thought he was joking when he first told us!)                           

2. This is my little sister’s second time at Disneyland (the first time she went she was 3 and she doesn’t remember much)                                                                                                                                                 

3. It is just my family and I that went on this trip, no friends or extra people                                                    

4. I am NOT a rollercoaster person, my sister is though. She is very daring.                                                      

5. My Dad forgot his hat at where we were staying, so he bought one at Disneyland for like $30.

I think that’s all, let’s go!


We will start with everything I did in Disneyland, and then go to California Adventures. (This will include the food I had on the way!) But before I describe the first ride we went on, I will describe first arriving at Disneyland.

We wake up in the morning and have a quick breakfast. Then we hop in the car after getting dressed and ready to go. It doesn’t feel like we are really going to Disneyland, due to the fact that my family is used to driving for 3 days just to get to California to get to Disneyland (we are originally from Washington, but we now live in California). So instead of the little kids bouncing up and down in their seats bursting with joy, they are simply sitting still like all of us are. To make it feel more real, Disney music is put on. It is very fun to sing along with the songs, my sister and ended up singing “Almost There  From: Princess and the Frog” while my dad parks the car in the Toy Story Parking Lot. 

We hop out of the car, it is cold. All my siblings are in shorts and t-shirts with no jackets so we are freezing. We start the relatively long walk to the bus we will take to Disneyland. It still doesn’t feel like we are going to Disneyland, more so than ever. Instead of seeing Disneyland all around you (like I expected) you see just normal parking lot and grey buildings. Definitely NOT the fun colorful Disneyland we are supposed to be right next to. We reach the bus after being checked for drugs and weapons (just like going to the airport) and we hop on. My sisters and I sit on a row of 3 seats right next to each other, they are nervous that they will fall off their seats (they are not used to being on a bus, and nor am I for that matter). The bus ride is nice, later on I will hope that I can just ride this bus everywhere in Disneyland due to all the walking we will have to do. 

We hop off the bus, and we enter the Disneyland entrance area, And if it didn’t feel like we were going to Disneyland before, it sure did as soon as we actual entered Disneyland. Once we entered, we could see a band playing with Pluto, Donald Duck, and others with the band. It is very colorful and pretty inside Disneyland, however the sky is still dark and grey.

Star Tours:

This was the first ride we went on after entering Disneyland. We decided that we would enter Tomorrow Land first, as that was what we did last time we went to Disneyland (which was over 5 years ago). Even though we have just entered Disneyland and it is only a couple minutes after the park opened, the line is relatively busy. During the inside part of the line, you can see Star Wars robots moving around touching buttons and talking to you. Some of the kids that I saw think this is very cool (which, of course, it is because how often to you get to see a robot that moves, talks, and is about as big as you??). Once we get farther into the line we are asked to grab safety airline glasses by a girl with a very loud voice (her voice may have been loud, but I liked how her voice sounded). We stand on numbers on circle on the ground as we wait for our flight. Eventually, the big red doors next to us open and we walk inside. Inside is a ship, not a boat, a space ship. We take our seats, and the girl tells us to put on our glasses, put on our put seatbelt, and pull on the yellow ribbon (which we will be told to do a LOT during our time at Disneyland). After a while the ride starts, it starts by a robot telling us there is a spy in our ship. It takes a picture of a woman who is actually on the ship! This causes all the women in front of us to laugh, as the woman is one of them. We end up being chased by the robot, we go through races, in space, and everywhere in between. I was ok at first, but all the movement in the plane was starting to make me carsick. I ended up looking down for most of the ride, looking up on occasion. It wasn’t a bad ride it was very pretty (from the little I saw) but it wasn’t the best for my stomach haha! After that ride, we went over to its souvenir section to look at some souvenirs. None of us really found anything that we liked, but my oldest brother found a Star Wars pin that he wanted to buy for a friend. It was $20 dollars. He spent all his Disneyland money on the first place we went, and bought something that wasn’t even for him. I don’t even know what to think of that. I mean, it was really nice of him to do that for a friend, but now he doesn’t have a Disneyland souvenir for himself. I have no idea what I should think ‘bout that. Oh well!

To hear more about my Disneyland adventure, stay tuned ‘till Friday when I will post the next 2 rides I went on!

Hello again! Are you ready to hear more of my adventure? Let’s go!

After doing Star Tours, my brothers and my Dad left to go ride Hyperspace Mountain (a.k.a. The Star Wars rollercoaster). So my sisters, my Mom, and me go and ride the small rides that my brothers and Dad don’t mind missing.


This was the first ride we went on after being split up from the rest of the family. We head over and get in line. The line is LONG. This is something we will have to get used to at Disneyland, the amount of long lines we went on for rides that were 50 times shorter than the line is crazy. One cool thing about the lines at Disneyland is that you can see people playing games with each other, and you can see little kids making friends with each other while in line! Adorable! Anyways, we are in line and there are people getting in cars below us. It smells like car fumes, not a great smell but totally worth it for the ride we are about to go on! Eventually we get to the end of the line, the line lady tells my Mom and one of my sisters (the cars seat two so we had to split up. I was teamed up with my 10 year old sister, and my Mom was with my 8 year old sister, this is the combination we did every time we went on rides without our brothers and my Dad). The line lady tells my sister and me to stay though; it is weird to be without my Mom while waiting in line. The whole time I wait, I feel like I will mess something up and I am worried that I am already doing something wrong. I don’t mess up though, and my sister and I get in a car. Here is a picture of us:

We start driving, well my sister does. She is in the driver’s seat and she controls the wheel and the speed. However, she can’t reach the pedal. We are constantly going, then stopping, then going, then stopping. Eventually, I take the gas pedal. I push and we speed up (it is very hard to push it without having to rest on occasion, it is a workout for sure!). We get to the first curve and we are ok, at first. Then we wham into the wall of the curve (as you can see in the photo, on the track there is an upper bump in the middle. You ride on that bump, but you can bump into the walls of the bump)! I eventually learn, after LOTS of curves, that my sister is a crazy driver! To be fair, the wheel is really hard to use. We hit EVERY curve wall. Soon we get to a crazy place that is full of curves, it is CRAZY FUN!! We drive past another person and we are laughing like crazy, the persons we passed had a little kid driving who was having just as much fun as my sister and were. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! We eventually get to the end of the ride, I press the pedal to go slightly forwards before ending, it was too small of a push. I push again, still to small. I push again, and we make it far enough. My sister and I get out of the car and come laughing to my Mom and my other sister. We ended up having a LOT of fun.

Finding Nemo Submarine:

My sisters, my Mom, and me head over to where this ride is located. The line is short, and we hop on a submarine after only a short while of waiting. Inside the submarine is filled with seats, we sit down and look out of the submarine’s windows. It smells odd in the submarine, I guess it is just the fact that we are underwater surrounded by water-smelling water (you know the smell) and people. Somewhere behind where we are sitting, there is a crying baby. I guess that baby was just not used to being underwater in a big vehicle it has probably never seen before, and constantly smelling weird submarine smell. The ride starts and the submarine backs up. The baby is still crying, poor thing. I hope it enjoyed all the other rides it went on. We start to move forward, all we can currently see out our windows are things growing on the walls in front of us. Eventually we can see pillars from an ancient city or something. It is very pretty. Soon we go to the darker parts of the sea, and you can see Nemo and all the people that ended looking for him. It was an ok ride, but probably better for kids that like Nemo. But it was awesome to be underwater!

We meet up with my brothers and my Dad, they waiting for like an hour for a ride that ended up being canceled. Poor them. 

To hear more, wait ‘till Monday when I will release the next 3 rides!

So sorry! I won’t be able to post today (sorry this came so late). I will post tomorrow, I promise.

It’s me!

I bet you have been waiting a long time for more of my adventure, and now the time has come!

After the Finding Nemo Submarine, we head over to Buzz Light Year Shooters.

Buzz Light Year Shooters:

My Mom texts my Dad to say that we are going on Buzz Light Year Shooters, they are STILL in line for the Star Wars Rollercoaster. And if you don’t remember, my sisters, my Mom, and me have gone on 2 rides already; so they have been in line for about 30 minutes. Anyways, we get in line for the ride. The ride isn’t so bad, we were only in line for about 5 minutes. Once again, I am paired with my 10 year old sister and my Mom is paired with my youngest sister. My sister and I hop on the ride, we start moving. How this ride works is that you have a gun that you are supposed to shoot the Z’s with, and there is a little thing you can turn to move your seat around so that you can shoot targets to the side. My sister and I grab the little white and green guns, and start shooting the Z’s. My sister doesn’t understand at first (which means I had more points than her at the start) so I tell her how it works. Once she understands we are both shooting the Z’s that are hidden about the ride. I think that I am doing way better than her, and then I look at her point tracker, she is ahead by about 1000 points. I start trying harder to get all the Z’s. When the ride ends we can see our Mom’s point tracker ahead of us, she has around 4000 points. We lost by quite a bit. It was fun, but I wish I had beat everyone ;p.

We meet up with the rest of our family. My brothers and my Dad waited in line for probably more than an hour, for a ride that ended up being canceled. So they waited in line for FOREVER for a ride they didn’t even get. 

It is still early in the morning, so we don’t stop for lunch quite yet. We head over to Jungle Cruise (one of the funniest rides EVER MADE).

Jungle Cruise:

Once we get there, we hop in line. The line looks short, but it’s not. It took us longer than 5 minutes to get out of line. The people in the line are pretty normal, just waiting in line for their ride, just like us. But one of the things in the line was very funny. We are just waiting in line, and we hear someone saying through a speaker (like what you hear at the grocery store, you know “Emily Jones to aisle 3 please”. Like that) “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands (Everybody claps their hands). If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet (Everyone stomps their feet). If you’re happy and you know it, please move forward in the line (everybody laughs). Once we get near to the end of the line, we can hear our cruise leader saying “…And now to take more prisoners-I mean people.” It is very silly. We hop on and he says “Wave goodbye to all those people, because you’ll probably never see them again.” Just a while after we start moving, I see (real) baby ducklings following their mother in the water. It was SO CUTE!! The ride starts, and the whole time our driver is making silly and cheesy jokes. It was HILARIOUS!! Definitely a good ride.

Pirates of the Caribbean:

Since it was close and on our list, we naturally headed to Pirates of the Caribbean. The line was painfully long. And the sun had come out so shade was the best thing ever. We see ducks while we are in line. I have never been so close to a duck in my life. After a LONG time of waiting, we finally get on the ride. My littlest sister is worried about the drops and my Mom is reassuring her by saying they are so little that ai’m not even worried about them (I don’t like drops). It is very dark. We drop down the first drop, and it is slightly taller than my couch at home. The ride is fun and enjoyable, the last drop was about 2 1/2 times taller than my couch, and it was honestly pretty fun! My hand ended up getting slightly wet (‘cause I was death-gripping the side rail thingy. I wasn’t completely ok with the drops before we went on them, but it all worked out!).

I know, you’re probably like, what happens next?? But in order to find out you have to wait ‘till Wednesday.

Oh. My. Gosh. I forgot again!! (I have GOT to get better at this blogging thing) Ok, thank you so much for waiting. I apologize for any inconvenience.

After Pirates of the Caribbean, we were starting to get hungry, so we looked for a place to get some lunch. We found a corn dog stand, and got in line (yes, there was a line for the corn dogs). We realized that the price for the corn dogs was $10!! Per person! It was crazy overpriced, but that’s just how Disneyland works. We decided to just go with it. Once we got out corn dogs and some chip bags, we headed towards a bench to eat. The corn dogs were a very dark brown, they were a little overcooked in my opinion. But the meat inside was good. Sadly, these corn dogs do not have a kid size, so none of my siblings could finish their corn dogs (neither could I for that matter). But they were pretty good. 

(Also, I forgot to mention, but my brother bought a souvenir after the Star Tours ride. So if you go back to that section, you can see what he bought)

The Alice in Wonderland Ride:

This was one of the rides that my littles sister wanted to ride, so we went there after our corn dog lunch. We headed in line. The line looked short, but since the ride only takes 2/3 people per caterpillar, it wasn’t. The line started right next to where the ride started, so I got used to hearing the ride saying “Alice’s Adventure’s in Wonderland will now begin. ….And all of the sudden, I fell! Down, and down, and down….”. I heard that little clip of the ride over 11 times. Every time I was about to hear it again, I would say “Here goes number 9” or whatever number I was at. Eventually we got farther into the line and I couldn’t hear it any more. Instead we got to hear different sounds, like the dramatic music that plays when Alice is being chased by the Queen of Hearts. Soon we are right about to go on the next caterpillar, when, all of the sudden, the ride breaks down! (I am starting to think that my brothers and my Dad are cursed!). We wait longer, and the ride is still not fixed. After a LONG time of waiting, it is still not fixed, so we just leave and head to the Alice in Wonderland Teacup ride.

Alice in Wonderland Teacup Ride:

Thankfully, this ride is right next door to the Alice in Wonderland ride, so it is not too much walking. The line looks long, but the ride can fit so many people at a time that it actually isn’t that bad. Farther down in the line, there is a kid with a bubble wand and there are just bubble everywhere! This will been seen a lot in future rides (there was also a kid with a bubble wand in the Alice in Wonderland line), the bubble wands are very popular. We finally get to the teacups. This time, my Mom is with my brothers and my daring sister (my poor Mom, my siblings like to go very fast!), and I am with my Dad and my little sister. We hop in a purple teacup (my little sisters favorite color) and take a quick picture. Here is the picture:

The one in the middle is my Dad, my little sister is on the right, and I am on the left. You can see my other siblings in the back, waiting for the ride to start. My Dad’s head hides my Mom and my sister’s faces, but the two boys are my brothers. My Dad lets me decide how fast we go (since I get carsick). We go relatively fast, and I don’t get dizzy! It was so much fun!! I LOVED it! Apparently my other siblings (the ones with my Mom) were going as fast as possible and it was CRAZY for them (my poor Mom!). We all had a good time though!

To learn more about this exciting adventure, stay with me ‘till Friday (I will try my best to post).

What a surprise, I didn’t post, again. I’m so sorry! I REALLY need to get better at this. Tsk tsk.

Hello again! Sorry for the wait/waits. Alright let’s get started! 

We last left off at the Alice in Wonderland teacup ride. So after we left the teacup ride, we headed towards the carousel.

King Arthur Carousel:

This was another ride that my sister wanted to go on (she likes carousels) so we left towards the line. My Dad and my older brother didn’t wanna go on, so it was just me, my other brother, my sisters, and my Mom. The line was medium length/long but not actually that long. While we were in line, my brother and my Dad went to get some frozen lemonade from a near-ish stand. Thankfully, we didn’t have to stand in line in the sun (well, we did for a little section of the line), it was very nice because it was getting kinda hot and sunny. Eventually, my Dad and my brother come back with the frozen lemonade, and it is DELICIOUS! It tasted like a lemonade slurpy! Which was great for us because we love slurries and we hadn’t had any in a while. 

After an ok amount of time waiting in line (and no, I don’t think they were any kids with bubble wands this time), we finally got onto the carousel. I followed my Mom and my little sister, and got onto a horse that was behind theirs (my Mom wasn’t on a horse, she was just standing next to my sister). My brother got onto a horse to the right of mine, his was white with green reins and mine was whiter with red reins. We probably should’ve swapped (because I like green and he likes red) but I figured it was too late. The horses started going, and, even though I’m older, I still enjoyed the carousel. While I was going around, I tried looking for my Dad and my older brother. My brother (not the older one) spotted them first, and I still didn’t see them. We went around again, and I finally saw them. My brother made it a thing to do a weird pose every time we saw them. While going around, I could see kids trying to pull the sword out of the stone, but, of course, they couldn’t. 

Here is a picture of me on the carousel before we started going:

Eventually, the carousel stopped and we got off. It was a very fun ride! I love carousels.

Sadly, that’s all I will be doing for today. Stay tuned!

Hello! Sorry it’s been a while. Let’s continue!

Haunted Mansion:

After the carousel we sit down for a while. And then we head over to the Haunted Mansion ride. This was on my list of rides I wanted to do. I was excited, I love this ride. The line is SUPER DUPER long. Sadly, the whole line isn’t shaded, only some parts are shaded. Eventually, we get to the part in the line where there is a graveyard. I was kinda glad for the line, because if you don’t have the line, then you don’t pay attention to all the detail that went into the waiting area. Each grave has a funny little saying on it. It is like being on the Jungle Cruise all over again, lots of cheesy jokes. The line is super hot, so I am grateful for the umbrellas scattered throughout the line. Eventually, we make it to the part of the line where you are right on the mansion. Soon, we enter the house. Inside there is more line. But soon you get to the stretching room. We look up, and there is this terrifying scene that causes a lot of people next to us to scream really loudly. Once we exit the stretching room, we walk a hallway. It is cool to see all the portraits. Once we get on the ride (I was with my Mom and my sister), we start moving. It is a wonderful ride! But the parts where you go backwards are a little weird. As soon as we get to the glass ball area, the ride breaks down “Due to playful spirits, the ride has been stopped”. I am positive my brothers and my Dad are cursed, that’s 3 rides now! We soon start moving. And then it stops again. This time we were going down a slope, BACKWARDS. Which means we are slanted, it isn’t fun. The ride was fun, but I wish it didn’t break down.

Splash Mountain:

I chickened out. Before we went to Disneyland, I was saying that I would probably go on Splash Mountain. As soon as I saw it, I was like, no. It looked really tall, and, as I said, I’m NOT a rollercoaster person. My Dad tries to convince me that it will be fun, but he quickly sees that I’m not into it. I nearly start crying because I disappointed everyone.

Only one ride left! Wait a little and it will be posted. See you soon!

Hello one more time (before we move onto California Adventures)! 

Smugglers Run:

After not going on Splash Mountain due to my wimpy self, we decide to head to the Star Wars area. While walking over there, I can hear my Mom and Dad discussing if this will actually be a good idea, as Dad has not gone on this ride. My Dad is trying to convince me that it is NOT a rollercoaster, because I am freaking myself out like crazy. We eventually got in line, and I saw what ride it was. My Mom, my sisters, and me had watched some videos about some of the Disneyland rides, so I recognized it immediately. And the video made it look like it was a rollercoaster type thing. So as soon as I saw it, I freaked out. I wasn’t screaming, but I was trying to ask questions about the ride to make my Dad realize that it was like a rollercoaster. As we are in the line, I start crying. I really do NOT want to go on this ride. (I cried the most out of everyone in my family this Disneyland trip. Everyone else didn’t even cry once) My Dad reassured me that this is not a rollercoaster, and we stay in line. However, I am still just as scared as before. The line is a decent amount like the Star Tours line, you climb a bunch of ramps, and there are robots talking to you. The line is SUPER DUPER long. We are in line for around 30 mins before we get towards the end of the line. A lady asks us who is going to be who. Apparently, there are multiple types of people you can be. Each ship fits 6 people (meaning my oldest brother is split up from the rest of us, not that he minds), you can be a mechanic (me and my little sister were mechanics), you can be a shooter (my brother and my other sister were shooters), and there are pilots (my Mom and Dad were pilots, my Mom controlled going up, and my Dad controlled left to right). We get into the ship. My younger sister and I are in the back, my brother and my other sister are in the middle, and my parents are in the front. The ride starts; my parents start steering. Unlike the people in the video, my parents are good drivers, and they don’t crash as much. Which means it was not like a rollercoaster. The people that were not steering (my siblings and I), had to press green buttons. I pressed them whenever they lit up, and my siblings did the same. Despite being crazy worried about this ride, it turned out to be a very fun ride, and ended up near my top favorite rides.

Then, my brother got a souvenir from the Star Wars section. He got a porg that attaches to you with a magnet. (When we were leaving Disneyland, there were some girls who took a photo, and were wondering if they got the porg in it. They thought it was ADORABLE. Which it was.)

After this, we head to the Disney Princess area, where you can get their autographs. My brothers don’t join us, so it is just my sisters, my Mom, and me. My sisters were the only ones that wanted autographs (I didn’t want any this year) but I came with them anyways. There were some little kids all dressed up in dresses that kept leaving the line to get other princesses’ autographs, this was only annoying because when they were done they went back in line where they were before they left. Meaning they kept leaving the line, one of the adults staying behind, and coming back in line. The line lasted AGES. My brothers went on other rides in the process. We finally reached the end of the line, after waiting SO LONG! The princesses were very pretty, and my sisters got some photos with them. It took a while to get there, but they definitely enjoyed the experience.

Then, we say goodbye to Disneyland. I know, it’s sad. But we head to Olive Garden, and have a delicious dinner!

Next time at post, we will journey to California Adventures!

It will come…. Eventually. Sorry you have to wait so long. It will be soon, I promise.


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