Happy holidays everyone! Now, some of you may not decorate for Christmas until December, and you may be confused on why I am already talking about Christmas. But here in my family, we decorate right after Thanksgiving! We already have our Christmas tree up, and we are ready to be jolly!
Today I am going to share ways I get in the Christmas mood, and as I have learned, Christmas makes people happy! So let’s start!
How to decorate your home:
1. What is Christmas without a Christmas tree? Ok, I know Christmas is still Christmas without a tree, but either way! Whether your tree is fake or not, you can still decorate it! My family hangs snowflakes and ornaments, and lights, and it is beautiful! I love the tree, because when you come to the living room on Christmas Day, the lighting sets the mood; peaceful (or maybe not if the kids are bouncing in their seats!) and happy.
2. Make paper snowflakes! They may be hard, but once you get going, you love to make more! I love to decorate my room with snowflakes and make it look like it is snowing inside!
3. Paper chains. Whether they are red and green, white, or blue and green (or any other color), paper chains are the perfect addition to your home. They look beautiful. Hanging down from walls, flowing from ceiling to ceiling, or from pillar to pillar.
4. Make icicles. This year, I did something new. I hung some light blue glittery yarn in strips from the ceiling just to look nice, but it turned out that they looked like icicles! I made a bunch more, just by cutting my yarn and then taping it to walls and ceilings! You can do this with any color yarn, but I used blue.
5. Christmas towels. You can find these at many places (or you can make your own) but it is very nice to have a Christmas towel staring back at you when drying dishes, taking a shower, or washing your face. They really set the mood when they are red with snowflakes, blue with snowflakes, green and red, or a snowman!
6. Christmas paintings. Sure you can buy your own, but I encourage you to try and make some! Take some art supplies (markers, paint, crayons, colored pencils, etc) and draw a snowman, Santa, baby Jesus, some snowflakes, children opening presents, or sleds falling down a slope. There is no limit to what you can draw, so long as it reminds you of Christmas.
7. Cardboard letters. Cardboard letters are beautiful. My family put up red cardboard letters that spell ‘Joy’ every year. You can paint them however, cover them with yarn, or add little ferns to your letters to complete the look. And you can spell whatever you want!
8. I cannot believe I put these so far away from the start of this list! Stockings! Stockings with your name on it, and your family’s names, are adorable when hanging over your fireplace, on the stairway, or wherever you like to stick them. Even if you don’t fill your stockings, it is nice to have them there.
9. DIY crafts. There are unlimited crafts you can make that remind you of Christmas. Look on my blog, and I am sure you will find some! Just type holidays or Christmas in the search, or just look through my blog.
Family Projects:
1. Do a craft! I know I just said this, but there are loads of crafts that you can find, even here on my blog! And then you can plop them around the house. But me and my siblings did a Christmas craft this year, and we are definitely doing many more!
2. Make Christmas cards for your friends. It always brightens my day to hear from my friends, and get a Christmas card! And we always hang all of them on our fridge. Your cards could just be homemade, store-bought, or even have a picture of your family on the front!
3. Enjoy some Christmas/Winter snacks. Hot chocolate, cookies, candy canes, plain whipped cream, all of these are great ideas to have this year. They are all delicious (in my opinion) and very easy to get! And I’m sure you can think of more ideas!
4. Decorate your home (see above)
5. Have an indoor snowball fight. Cotton balls, crumpled up paper, or store-bought ‘snowballs’ are amazing for indoor snowball fights! Or me and my siblings have sometimes done stuffed animals. It is very fun, and imagine doing it with your whole family, in Christmas pajamas!
6. Build an indoor snowman. I do this all the time! You take a blanket, and layer it on itself so that it looks like a snowman, then take some colored pencils or pens or sticks and position them in the blanket as arms. Then you can put sunglasses on him as eyes, or put a hat on him, or a scarf, or whatever you can think of! Then show him off (you could even have a challenge to see who can make the best one!)
7. Have a dance party when listening to Christmas music!
8. Karaoke with Christmas music!
9. Christmas Mad Libs. These are a very funny way to have fun. They are great for the whole family!
10. Read Christmas books (don’t forget the Bible!)
11. Do an advent when the time comes! These are very fun, and come in all sorts of styles!
I hope this helped all of you come up with fun ways to hang out with the family, and decorate your home! Happy holidays everybody!