Sunday, December 24, 2023

Week Nineteen of my Short Story Challenge

 O Christmas Tree                By: Everly

There once was a tree yard. In it were lots of trees that were ready to be taken into someone’s home. They had all been prepping hard, making sure that their pine was on right, that they smelled good, and some had even decorated themselves with ornaments!

“I’m totally going to be chosen first.” One of the trees said. This tree had ornaments, a star, lights, and lots of things covering his piney body.

“What makes you say that?” One of the other trees asked.

“Because I am the most beautiful tree in the world.” It said.

The other trees sighed, “Maybe we should’ve put ornaments on ourselves as well.”

“Too bad, guess you won’t be picked then.” The decorated tree said with a laugh.

When the day finally came, the trees stood up straight, made sure they looked right, and waited while the people flocked in.

The people saw lots of pretty trees, but while they were looking, they heard the decorated tree say, “See, they’re already looking at my beautiful decorations, they will definitely pick me first.”

All the people were shocked to hear this tree say such a thing, let along speak, and they looked at the other trees instead.

One by one, trees were slowly picked, and none of those trees were the decorated tree. The tree was left in the tree lot alone, because of how rude he had been, no one had looked at his decorations, but had instead looked at his heart.

You shouldn’t pick people for their looks, but for their heart.

Monday, December 18, 2023

T.P Roll Present


These are the perfect little ornaments, gifts, decorations, stocking stuffers, and a lot of other things too. They are just perfect! And, instead of painting them, you could even wrap them with wrapping paper! These were the best little decoration for under my tiny little Christmas tree. If you are looking for an easy way to decorate for Christmas, this is it!


T.P. Roll


Paint (if you want)


1. Cut your toilet paper roll into sections about a little longer than an inch each

2. Now flatten it one way

3. Now flatten it the other way

4. Now if you pop it back up, it should be a square (if not you can use your fingers to mold it into one)

5. Do this with two of them, and then push them together into a 3d square

6. Now you can paint it if you want

7. Now cut your yarn (just not to short)

8. Place it under your box

9. Now bring it up to the top and tie it tight

10. Now turn it upside-down, and turn the string the other direction

11. And bring it to the top and tie it

12. Now cut the strings

13. You did it! Now you’re done, and now that you’ve seen how easy it is, you can cover your house in them!!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Week Eighteen of Short Story Challenge

 Oh My Falls!                        By: Everly

You stand at the edge of a waterfall. At the bottom is beautiful crystal colored water, so clear that you can see your face in it. You dive in.

You land in a whirlpool and are swirled inside. Once you reach the other side of the water, you are in a bubble. You are surrounded with clear lake water. Your bubble protects you from the water, and you can breathe. It is beautiful underneath the lake, there are bubbles above you from the splashes of the waterfall and you gasp as you spot an underwater cave. 

Your bubble floats toward it. Once you reach the cave, your bubble pops, and you enter the cave. When you entered, you realized that it was a wall of water! You walked right through to air on the other side!

In front of you are a series of steps, you climb them. As you walk up, you marvel at the beautifully carved stone surrounding you. 

You reach the top of the stairs, and in front of you is the most beautiful sight you have ever seen. 

In front of you is a waterfall. You are on the other side, and its glistening sparkly water takes your breath away. You touch it, and the water flows onto your hand. It is powerful and pretty all at the same time. 

The rainbow beauty in front of you is wonderful. The waterfall is directly across from the sun, and ir creates a rainbow. 

You stare at the water for hours, you could look at it all day. The splashes from the water lands on your face, it is amazing.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Week Seventeen of My Short Story Challenge

 The Magic Coat                By: Everly

Once there was a girl. She lived in a town that was prepping for Christmas. And in this town there was no snow, no frost, no nothing. It looked and like your average summer day (it actually felt rather cold though)!

And this girl did not like that. It had snowed every other year, all except this one. It didn’t feel like Christmas without it. Everyone else in the town was wondering where it was.

But the girl decided to be happy, despite no snow being on the ground. She put on a coat, and sung Christmas songs as she went outside. 

As she was walking, the temperature dropped.

It got colder.

And colder. 

The girl didn’t notice, and she kept on being happy and cheerful while walking the streets.

Now, everywhere she stepped covered itself in a blanket of frost.

Soon the whole town was covered in frost.

The town’s people stepped out their houses, and were shocked at was now falling from the sky.


Lot’s of snow.

It was the most beautiful Christmas they had ever had.

The girl finally noticed, and she smiled even happier. This was what she had prayed for, what she knew would come eventually.

And she stuck her face in the air, and let snowflakes fall on her tongue.

If you believe God will provide, despite everything, miracles might just happen.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Week Sixteen of My Short Story Challenge

Problems That Didn’t Change                By: Everly

Two kids sat in their living room. 

“Do you really think that we will?” The smaller child (named Rebeca) asked her big brother.

“I don’t know. But the odds are definitely pointing that direction.” Said her brother Mark.

“I really hope we don’t.” The little girl nearly had tears in her eyes.

Mark and Rebeca’s parents had been talking about moving for a while now. And it wasn’t one of those ‘You’ll still be able to see your friends, in fact you’ll be even closer!’ Moves it was one of the ‘Well, you can always call them, but I don’t think we’ll visit them often, since we’re so far away.’ Moves.

Mark and Rebeca had made friends here, they loved their school, and they were only a couple blocks away from their friends. To move would be the end of their lives (at least that’s how they put it).

Later that night….

“And, Lord, we pray that mommy and daddy decide to stay here and not take the job. We really don’t want  to move away from our friends. It would be awful. (Your turn Mark).” Little Rebeca finished her prayer, and now it was her brother’s turn.

“Lord, we pray that our parents will not move, and that they see how terrible a choice it would be. I pray- I mean we pray that our parents will NOT move. Jesus’s name, Amen.” Mark ended his prayer.

They both went to bed, sure that they would not move, now that they had prayed.

The next day, they woke and headed toward to what Rebeca called ‘The Yummy Room’ it was actually just the kitchen. Their parents were waiting for them when they got there. 

“Kids, I know you have been really worried about us moving. And if we would or not, and we want to tell you that we have come to a decision.” Their mom said.

Rebeca and Mark smiled at each other, they thought for sure that their parents weren’t making them move.

But then their dad said, “We have decided to move, kids-Don’t worry you’ll still be able to call your friends—but I have to take this job.”

“NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” Rebeca and Mark cried.

They were shocked, they had prayed, God wasn’t supposed to do this!

And so they moved. Rebeca and Mark mournfully looked out the car’s window as they drove away from their house.

When they got to their new home, they loved it! But they missed their old life, who cares about having your own room when your friends are gone? 

Rebeca and Mark cried the whole night. And when they had to go to school, their parents tried to encourage them and say that they would do fine, but Mark and Rebeca just looked out the car window with no response.

But after a few days at their new home, Rebeca felt a presence in her room while she was getting in bed.

“Rebeca…” It spoke.

“Um…Yes? Wait! Daddy told me not to talk to strangers! Go away!” Rebeca shooed the presence away.

“Rebeca, it’s Me.” It said.

Just then, Rebeca knew who it was, even now she couldn’t tell you how she knew, she just did.

“God?” She called.

“Yes, Rebeca.” He said.

“What do you want? Do you want one of my stuffies to sleep with?” Rebeca asked, she was around the age of five.

“No. I want you to know that I am with you.”

“For what? Also, why did you make us move? I liked my home!” Rebeca cried.

“Because Rebeca, I do not remove your problems. I guide you through.” God said.

“Oh! Like in church! That’s what they said! So… you’re like my nightlight when I am trying to find the bathroom? You guide me through my problems?” She asked.

“Yes.” God replied.

“Wow! Thank you! Now can I go to bed?”

“Yes, go ahead, and sweet dreams…” And with that God left.

“Ok, but they better not be sweet, I’m not supposed to have sugar before bed.” And with that Rebeca went to bed.

The next morning Rebeca told Mark what had happened. 

“I know! He spoke to me too!” Mark answered.

“I guess He wants us to be happy with our new home. Because He doesn’t remove our problems, but He walks us through!” Rebeca and Mark said.

And for the rest of their days in their new home, they were happy, and that made their parents happy. And God guided them through. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

Diy Paper Christmas Tree


These Christmas trees are adorable, and can be made in under five minutes (depending on how long it takes you to decorate it). They were the perfect addition to my bedroom, and they are fun for kids and adults to make! You can sprinkle millions of little Christmas trees around your home with this craft. And they can be made in any size you like! So let’s get to it!


Green paper (or whatever color you want your tree to be)

Other colors of paper for the ornaments



1. Take your green paper (or whatever color you chose) and cut out a tree shape of any size

2. Cut another one that is the same size and shape as the other (I traced my first tree onto a piece of paper to make sure they came out the same size and shape)

3. Cut slits in the top and bottom so that your tree stands perfectly upright when you put it together

4. Decorate! Take your other colored papers, and make little circles, stars, snowflakes (that might be hard), or whatever you want to decorate your tree with. You can even use a marker to draw some lights.

5. Stand it up and display it somewhere in your house, and you’re done!

Monday, November 27, 2023

How to Get in the Christmas Mood

 Happy holidays everyone! Now, some of you may not decorate for Christmas until December, and you may be confused on why I am already talking about Christmas. But here in my family, we decorate right after Thanksgiving! We already have our Christmas tree up, and we are ready to be jolly!

Today I am going to share ways I get in the Christmas mood, and as I have learned, Christmas makes people happy! So let’s start!

How to decorate your home:

1. What is Christmas without a Christmas tree? Ok, I know Christmas is still Christmas without a tree, but either way! Whether your tree is fake or not, you can still decorate it! My family hangs snowflakes and ornaments, and lights, and it is beautiful! I love the tree, because when you come to the living room on Christmas Day, the lighting sets the mood; peaceful (or maybe not if the kids are bouncing in their seats!) and happy.

2. Make paper snowflakes! They may be hard, but once you get going, you love to make more! I love to decorate my room with snowflakes and make it look like it is snowing inside!

3. Paper chains. Whether they are red and green, white, or blue and green (or any other color), paper chains are the perfect addition to your home. They look beautiful. Hanging down from walls, flowing from ceiling to ceiling, or from pillar to pillar.

4. Make icicles. This year, I did something new. I hung some light blue glittery yarn in strips from the ceiling just to look nice, but it turned out that they looked like icicles! I made a bunch more, just by cutting my yarn and then taping it to walls and ceilings! You can do this with any color yarn, but I used blue.

5. Christmas towels. You can find these at many places (or you can make your own) but it is very nice to have a Christmas towel staring back at you when drying dishes, taking a shower, or washing your face. They really set the mood when they are red with snowflakes, blue with snowflakes, green and red, or a snowman! 

6. Christmas paintings. Sure you can buy your own, but I encourage you to try and make some! Take some art supplies (markers, paint, crayons, colored pencils, etc) and draw a snowman, Santa, baby Jesus, some snowflakes, children opening presents, or sleds falling down a slope. There is no limit to what you can draw, so long as it reminds you of Christmas.

7. Cardboard letters. Cardboard letters are beautiful. My family put up red cardboard letters that spell ‘Joy’ every year. You can paint them however, cover them with yarn, or add little ferns to your letters to complete the look. And you can spell whatever you want! 

8. I cannot believe I put these so far away from the start of this list! Stockings! Stockings with your name on it, and your family’s names, are adorable when hanging over your fireplace, on the stairway, or wherever you like to stick them. Even if you don’t fill your stockings, it is nice to have them there.

9. DIY crafts. There are unlimited crafts you can make that remind you of Christmas. Look on my blog, and I am sure you will find some! Just type holidays or Christmas in the search, or just look through my blog.

Family Projects:

1. Do a craft! I know I just said this, but there are loads of crafts that you can find, even here on my blog! And then you can plop them around the house. But me and my siblings did a Christmas craft this year, and we are definitely doing many more!

2. Make Christmas cards for your friends. It always brightens my day to hear from my friends, and get a Christmas card! And we always hang all of them on our fridge. Your cards could just be homemade, store-bought, or even have a picture of your family on the front!

3. Enjoy some Christmas/Winter snacks. Hot chocolate, cookies, candy canes, plain whipped cream, all of these are great ideas to have this year. They are all delicious (in my opinion) and very easy to get! And I’m sure you can think of more ideas!

4. Decorate your home (see above)

5. Have an indoor snowball fight. Cotton balls, crumpled up paper, or store-bought ‘snowballs’ are amazing for indoor snowball fights! Or me and my siblings have sometimes done stuffed animals. It is very fun, and imagine doing it with your whole family, in Christmas pajamas!

6. Build an indoor snowman. I do this all the time! You take a blanket, and layer it on itself so that it looks like a snowman, then take some colored pencils or pens or sticks and position them in the blanket as arms. Then you can put sunglasses on him as eyes, or put a hat on him, or a scarf, or whatever you can think of! Then show him off (you could even have a challenge to see who can make the best one!)

7. Have a dance party when listening to Christmas music!

8. Karaoke with Christmas music!

9. Christmas Mad Libs. These are a very funny way to have fun. They are great for the whole family!

10. Read Christmas books (don’t forget the Bible!)

11. Do an advent when the time comes! These are very fun, and come in all sorts of styles!

I hope this helped all of you come up with fun ways to hang out with the family, and decorate your home! Happy holidays everybody!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Week Fifteen of my Short Story Challenge

 The Thanksgiving Retreat                By: Everly

Once there was a girl who was going to Thanksgiving. 

Her family drove through the night from California to Washington, and arrived at a big house her whole dad’s side of the family was staying at. 

She got to see her cousin, Kelly. And her Grandma and her Papa, and all her aunts and uncles, and her other cousin Jordan. 

She had a lot of fun and got to sleep on bunk-beds, and hang out with her family.

Eventually, Thanksgiving day came.

Everyone gathered round the table, and was ready to eat.

But first they prayed, they thanked God for everything they had.

Then the girl realized, God is the reason you have anything to be thankful for. 

He created your friends, your pets, the sky, your life, you, and everything else.

Thanksgiving would be nothing without God. 

So next time you’re at Thanksgiving, make sure you thank God, because he’s the only reason you have anything to be Thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Week Fourteen of my Short Story Challenge

The Corgi that Could            By: Everly

Once there was a corgi that could do anything, he could cook, write books, everything.

But one day, something happened.

He was in his kitchen, cutting some carrots, when he kept missing the carrot. He couldn’t cut it. 

He decided to take a break, and write a book. He couldn’t write, he had no ideas. 

“I’m usually so good at this.” He complained.

The rest of the day he couldn’t do anything.

“But why? I’m can do anything!”

The truth was, he was relying on his own strength, not God’s.

The corgi came back to God, and knew he had done wrong. God forgave him, and he could do things again. But now, at school, he didn’t boast about it, instead he thanked God for everything he could do.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Week Thirteen of my Short Story Challenge

 The Ready Seed                    By: Everly Thomas

Once, there was a seed who was all too ready to leave the tree (or so he thought).

“Excuse me, Mr. Tree, sir.” The seed called to the great oak that was more than a hundred times his size.

“Yes?” The tree replied in a ready to listen and gentle voice.

“Well, I was wondering if I could leave you early, I’m ready!” Said the little seed.

“No, you may not leave early.” The tree replied with no more than a moments thought.

“But I’m prepared, I was—”


“Oh, come on! Just let me leave early. I’m ready, I can—”


The seed had had enough with the tree, so in the dark of the night, he decided to leave anyway. What did the tree know? Maybe he was just hiding the beautiful riches down there, and keeping it to himself.

The seed wiggled, and wiggled, and wiggled some more.

It was a long process of jiggling and wiggling, but he finally disconnected from the tree.

He fell the long way down. And he landed with such a quiet thud, that even an ant couldn’t have heard it.

The seed shivered, “Brrr…..It’s cold.”

He had landed in Winter. The tree had warned him not to go early, and the tree had warned him right, it was too cold for the little seed; he would not grow.

The seed stayed there for a long time, until he finally left the world, to what was hopefully a better place.

And, though you readers may not be seeds, it is still wise not to leave the tree until the time is right.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Diy Snow Globe

I’ve always wanted a snow globe, and now I have one! It is the perfect addition to my, now crowded with crafts I made, bed shelf. And it is so fun to shake it and see where the snowballs land! And there is no limit to what you put in the snow globe! Let’s get started!


A lid (I used the lid of my face pads container)

Plastic that bends and is see-through

White paper (you don’t need much)

Other things that you want to decorate your snow globe with



1. Figure out what you want to be your main thing in the snow globe, and tape it to the lid (or glue it to the bottom if it is a standing thing). My main thing is a cross and a praying snowman

2. Now glue snowy hills, trees, or whatever you want, to the background

3. Now make little white balls out of small strips of you white paper, and plop it in your lid

4. Now you need to cut a square a good times bigger than your lid

5. Now put the lid upside down on the plastic in the middle, make sure your snowballs don’t escape the lid!

6. Now pull the edges of the square onto the lid, and tape it to the lid

(And, no, you do not need a little green piece of paper like the one in the picture, that guy was from other crafts of mine, and he somehow made it in there :)

7. Now it’s done! Shake it up, and have some fun!


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Week Twelve of my Short Story Challenge

 Juliana’s Dreamworld                  By: Everly 

Juliana stared at the clock.

Tick, tick, tick, tick.

Time passed slowly. She put her attention back on the teacher, “….and that is how you find the circumference of a circle.”

“Juliana,” the teacher called, “can you give me the circumference of this circle?”

“Uhhhhh. Yes, you see, it’s a circle…. And if you do this… and then that….” Juliana stalled for time, she did not know the answer. And if you don’t know the answer when the teacher just told you how to get it, you get in trouble for not paying attention.

Why do I have to pay attention anyway? Why can’t attention pay itself? Juliana thought.

“Ahem. Juliana. Hello?” The teacher stared at Juliana.

Juliana snapped back to reality, “Oh! Um…. The answer would be…. Lemme see….. drop that… add this…. Calculate that…. And the answer would be…”


The school clock rung. Juliana sighed with relief. 

“Oh, well I guess we’re out of time. Sorry Mrs. Blight. I have to go.” Juliana darted for the door.

“Juliana! Wait!” The teacher yelled after her, but she was already out the door.

Goodness, Juliana thought, that was close. I almost had to answer the question. Boy she was mad though, and I have to see her tomorrow. She’s probably going to make me answer the first question. Why can’t teachers answer all the questions? Why do they force students to do all the work?

Juliana ran out of the school doors. It was the end of the school day, and she had been running as fast as she could from Mrs. Blight.

She stepped onto the sidewalk, “I can’t wait to get home.”

Home was her favorite place on earth, it was where she could get away from everything, and do whatever she wanted. Her parents were very strict about her doing her homework, so Juliana couldn’t escape as soon as she got home. She had to wait. But Juliana knew that what she was looking forward to, was well worth the wait.

She arrived at home, and stepped through the front door. 

“Ah. There you are Juliana. Make sure you do your homework.” Her mother told her as soon as she was inside.

Either her mother heard her come in, and had rushed to the door to greet her, or she had been creepily standing by the door the whole time. Juliana hoped it was the first one.

“I’ll be in my room, mom. And, yes, I will do my homework.” Juliana drifted towards the stairs that led to her room.

Once up the stairs, there is a hallway, with four doorways. Two on each side. Juliana’s was the last one on the left. 

Juliana greeted her door happily. She was glad to be home. She walked in, sat at her desk, opened her backpack, and began her homework. It was dinner when she finished. 

Dinner passed slowly for Juliana, but that was merely because she was anxious to get back to her room.

“Juliana! Slow down, you’re going to choke on your food!” Juliana’s father warned her.

“Oh, sorry. I’m just…. Ready to go to bed.” Juliana replied.

“Then by all means, excuse yourself from this table.”

“Night!” Juliana called to her parents.

It was 5:30. And Juliana was anxious to get to bed? Juliana’s parents were confused, but they didn’t care.

“I suppose she had a long day, and needs rest before tomorrow.” They said.

Once upstairs, Juliana jumped into bed, and fell through.

As soon as she was on the other side, she put on her skates.

It was dark, and quiet as she skated on the perfect ice. She imagined people, and as soon as she did, people appeared and cheered her on.

She did jumps, twirls, tricks, and the crowd cheered her on as she did so.

Then she imagined her parents, cheering her on. And they appeared, and hugged her.

They laughed together as her parents wobbled on the ice. They weren’t wearing skates, and they couldn’t keep their balance.

Juliana didn’t believe her parents loved her on the other side of her bed, but then the skating rink turned into a park. There was a little girl, and her father in the middle of it.

“Ok. Now hold it like this…..” The little girl’s father was teaching her how to fly a kite.

The little girl held it, and accidentally let go. Her little hands weren’t big enough. The kite flew into the sky.

“Oh no!” The father exclaimed.

“It’s ok daddy. Now the sun has a friend.” The little girl said.

Her father picked her up and twirled her, “I love you, my little Jewel.”

Juliana realized it was her and her father. Her father used to call her his little Jewel.

Juliana stared at her father. Then her mom walked into the picture.

“Alright guys, let’s go home. We don’t want Juliana here getting tired.” She kissed young Juliana.

And then Juliana’s father picked his little Jewel up, and carried her all the way home. The whole way there they laughed with each other. Making funny faces and loving each other.

Juliana jumped through her bed again when she was ready. She realized that she didn’t need imaginary worlds to have her parents love her, they already did. But hey, why not jump through your bed and have a little fun?

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Week Eleven of my Short Story Challenge

 The Kid who Cared            By: Everly

A kid sat in her house. Her name was Ever. She had just driven home from church.

On her way home, she had seen a man. He was holding a sign that said ‘Please help. I have no home.’

Ever nearly cried at the sight. She wanted to help, but didn’t know how she could. 

The next day, Ever felt she was being led by God to do something. And God gave her an idea.

She made boxes with Bibles, blankets, heart-felt notes, and other things to make the homeless’ lives better.

She walked out her front door and headed outside. After a while of walking, Ever found a tent on the sidewalk. 

She knocked on the door. “Hello?”

A face peeked out. It was a man, his clothes were torn and dirty. It was raining and he had no blankets. He didn’t have a jacket, and his skin was pale. Ever looked him in the eyes and said, “I give this box to you. It is not a gift from me, but from God. He loves you.”

The man looked Ever in her eyes, and said, “You have been so kind to me. But, who is God?”

Ever handed him the Bible that was in the box. This is God. He has helped many people, and now, he has helped you. He has cared for you since the beginning.”

The man started reading the Bible, with wonder in his eyes.

Ever left after saying good luck to the man. 

She did this with many other people. And when she got home, she cried.

“Thank you God! You have blessed all those people. And I am so happy to have been a part of it! Thank you.” She exclaimed.

Only a few days ago, Ever had thought it was impossible to help them as a kid. But now she had learned, that with God ALL things are possible. And remember, Jesus loves you.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Paper Pencil Ghost


This is an absolutely adorable craft, and it’s a game too! I love playing with this thing, and it is super easy to make. If you are anxious to find out how it is a game as well as a craft, I won’t keep you waiting; let’s get started!


Paper (I used tracing paper, but any paper works)

Pens, pencils, etc (something to draw the face with)

A pencil

Marker (if you want to color the top of the ghost like I did)

T.P. Roll

Rubber band


A ruler (or you can just eye-ball it)


1. Take your paper and cut it into a square it has to be bigger than 4in by 4in (the bigger the paper square the bigger your ghost!

2. Plop it onto a toilet paper roll and secure it with a rubber band

3. Color the top with marker if you like (this will make it a rainbow ghost!)

4.  Poke a hole in the middle of it with a pencil

5.  Now pop the paper off of the T.P. Roll

6. Draw a face, it can be spooky, cute, shocked, whatever!

7. And you’re done! Look down below and see how it can be used as a game

Paper Pencil Ghost Game:

For this game you will need your ghost, a pencil, and people to play the game with (this can also be played solo)

Solo Play:

Grab your ghost and your pencil. Put the bottom of your pencil through the hole in the ghost’s top. Now bob your pencil up and down super fast for as long as you can before it shoots off of the pencil!


Grab some people, and make sure they all have ghosts and pencils. Poke the pencil through the hole at the top of the ghost. Now, when everyone is ready, bob the pencil up and down over and over as fast as possible without the ghost flying off of the pencil! The last one with their ghost still on the pencil wins!

Week Ten of My Short Story Challenge

 A World You’ve Never Seen Before            By: Everly

So much can happen with just one thing. 

You can walk through a forest with unicorns, fairies, and trees that tell jokes. There would be rainbow slides, way up in the sky, going from above to below. 

There would be homes as grand as ever, with cozy fires to warm you. There would be clouds that swoop down from the sky, and you can pluck off pieces that taste like cotton candy. 

It would rain moon dust, colored every possible color. You could hop to the moon with just one jump; and there would be a huge party with lots of colors. 

On the moon you can buy dresses made of snow, ice, seaweed, sun rays, and all the magical things. It would have a beautiful view of the earth down below. 

There would be planets you could visit, with friendly inhabitants. You could buy rock candy, and starsicles. But you wouldn’t have to buy it, it would be traded for. You could trade spices that tasted like candy, for a trip to the moon. And chocolate rings, for a lollipop made of rainbow powder. 

Life would be different every day; new adventures around each corner, friends to be made everywhere, and varied flavors of ice cream. 

So, how can you make it happen? What’s the one thing that you need? 

Your imagination. 

And with that, anything can happen. 

See you on the other side of the waterfall made of snowflakes!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Week Nine of My Short Story Challenge

 The Shattered Glass            By: Everly

All around the world there is shattered glass. 

You can see it in the eyes of those around you, you look inside and their eyes fall apart.

It is in a frozen lake, touch it on a hot day and it is gone. Shattered to pieces.

It is on the floor of a house. It has been dropped and splintered into a thousand little sections.

Kids try to pick it up, but they too shatter to pieces.

People and things fall apart, everywhere. There is no escape. 

But there is only one Man who has the capable hands to fix broken adults, grandparents, children, and all other things.

This Man lives above all glass. He made the glass. 

If He made it once, He can make it again.

He fixes us, even when no one is perfect, or fixable by human beings. 

He looks inside the glass, and sees their hearts, even when the glass is broken apart.

He is the Creator, the Molder, the One.

He is God, and we are broken.

He will fix you, if you believe.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Diy Wall Picture

 I love decorating my bedroom, and I thought it would be a great idea, to make my own art for the walls! This project is super easy to do, and it can end up looking adorable! You can design your own art, and show it off on the walls!


Cardboard box, tea box, and form of box. 

Note: the bigger or smaller the box, the bigger or smaller the picture


Things to draw and/or color with

Glue stick




1. Cut off the bottom/side of your box, so that you get this shape

2. Measure you box. First, measure how long it is, then add how tall it is two times to your measurement, this will allow you to wrap those sides of the box. Second, measure how wide it is and add how tall it is two times to your measurement, this will allow you to wrap this part of the box. Now add those put those measurements on a piece of paper

3. Cut!

5. Now stick the paper over the box, so that it covers the top and all the sides, here is a video on how to do it

Note: before you glue the paper to the box, color within the lines in the middle to create your drawing

Note: if words on the box show through the paper, no worries, just cover with another layer of paper

6. Hang on a wall by balancing it on a pin, or attach string to the top and hang it like that!